Web Hooks are an experimental feature that can be added in V4. Web hooks are useful tools to allow third party products to signal 12d Synergy in some way, using standard HTTP or HTTPS.  This might be used by say, Sharepoint, to signal 12d Synergy that a job should be created.

Note that this is only available if you have set up Files Over The Web.

To create a web hook, you must implement


You must also add the following Custom Settings in the 12d Synergy Adminsitrator.

WebHookAPIKeyA common key applications can use
WebHookPathThe path under which web hooks will be hosted

Once done, you will need to restart the 12d Synergy Server service, or stop and start Files Over the Web.

Due to their experimental nature, Web Hooks must be added by some mechanism - currently, they must be compiled into an Event Script and the call

SynergyServerScripting.Entities.WebFileServer.RegisterWebHook made