While the 12d Synergy Cmd Line tool is not an API, it can be used in batch processing to automate tasks without needing to program in .NET.

Each of the below commands can be used from the Windows Command Prompt or from another calling application.

They each of their own inputs, which are documented when running the command.

Generally speaking, the format to run this is:

"c:\program files (x86)\12d\12d synergy\4.0\client\app\12dSynergyCmdLine.exe" COMMAND INPUTS

If an input is more than one word (contains a space), it should be wrapped in quotes.

CheckOutChecks out a file, managed folder or 12d Model project
CheckInChecks in a file, managed folder or 12d Model project
CancelCheckOutCancels the checkout of a file, managed folder or 12d Model project
AddAdds a new file
GetGets a file, managed folder or 12d model project
ListLists the contents of a job or folder
CreateJobCreates a new job
CreateFolderCreates a new folder
GetJobNameGets the job name from the current path in the workspace
OpenOpens a file
GetLocalPathGets the local path of a file, folder or 12d Model project
EditFolderUpdates information about a folder
FileInfoGets information about a given file
FolderInfoGets information about a given folder
PurgePurge a file, managed folder or 12d Model project
ScriptAccepts a text or console input for a set of these commands