The following tables list the members exposed by the TaskItem type.

Name Description
Public field assigned_by
Public field assigned_entity The assigned entity - could be null
Public field children Any children to dos
Public field colour The colour of the name in ARGB, use System.Drawing.Colour.FromARGB to get colour from it.
Public field dependent_task_action An action to take when a dependent task is closed
Public field depends_on_ids The id of a task this task depends on
Public field description The task description
Public field due_date_mode The due date mode
Public field due_date_utc The due date of the item
Public field history A string describing the history - may not be set!
Public field is_closed Whether or not the task is open
Public field item_id The to do items db id
Public field item_owner The contact that owns the task
Public field name The name of the task
Public field order The ordering of the task
Public field parent_item_id A parent item id - may be null
Public field priority The task priority
Public field progress A progress indication
Public field project_id The id of the project that contains it
Public field project_path The path to the project containing the task
Public field relative_due_date_days The number of days to offset the due date, based on the due date mode
Public field relative_start_date_days The number of days to offset the start date, based on the start date mode
Public field start_date_mode The start date mode
Public field start_date_utc The start date of the item
Public field start_task_action An action to take when a task is meant to start
Public field task_path The path to the task (inside a project)
Public field task_state The task state
Public field task_state_name The name of the state
Public field task_type_id The type of task
Public field task_type_name The name of the task - cosmetic only, not required for upload
Public field user_task_id The user supplied id for the item
Public field version The current server version of the item