The following tables list the members exposed by the TDProject type.

Name Description
Public method Static CreateSnapshot(EntityID, EntityID, string, IDatabase) Create a snapshot of a td project
Public method Static CreateTDProject(EntityID, EntityID, string, TDProjectType, bool, EntityID, EntityID, EntityID, TDProjectVersion, TDCustomisationMode, IDatabase) Create a new 12d model project
Public method Static CreateTDProject(string, TDProjectType, bool, EntityID, bool, EntityID, TDProjectVersion, TDCustomisationMode, IDatabase) Create a new 12d model project
Public method Static CreateTDProject(string, TDProjectType, bool, EntityID, bool, EntityID, TDProjectVersion, IDatabase) Create a new 12d model project
Public method Static CreateTDProject(string, TDProjectType, bool, EntityID, EntityID, EntityID, TDProjectVersion, TDCustomisationMode, IDatabase) Create a new 12d model project
Public method Static CreateTDProject(string, TDProjectType, bool, EntityID, EntityID, EntityID, TDProjectVersion, IDatabase) Create a new 12d model project
Public method Static CreateTDProjectChange(EntityID, int, TDProjectChangeType, EntityID, string, IDatabase) Create a TD Project Change entry
Public method Static DeleteSystemTDProjectAttribute(EntityID, EntityID, IDatabase) Delete a standard user attribute
Public method Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (inherited from Object).
Protected method Finalize Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (inherited from Object).
Public method Static GetActiveUserCheckouts(EntityID, EntityID, IDatabase) Get information about all files checked out by a user
Public method Static GetActiveUserCheckouts(EntityID, IDatabase) Get information about all files checked out by a user
Public method Static GetActiveUserCheckoutsClosingRules(EntityID, IDatabase) Get information about all td Projects checked out by a user that match Active Closing Rules
Public method Static GetAllRoleAccess(EntityID, IDatabase) Get information about all roles thatcan access a 12d model project
Public method Static GetAllUserAccess(EntityID, IDatabase) Get all user access to a 12d model project
Public method Static GetAttributeByName(EntityID, string, IDatabase) Find a named attribute and its value in a 12d model project
Public method Static GetChangeLog(EntityID, DateTime, IDatabase) Get all change information about a project on or after a certain date
Public method Static GetChangedTDProjects(EntityID, DateTime, IDatabase) Get a list of all td projects that have changed after a certain date
Public method Static GetElementType(EntityID, IDatabase) Get the element type of a known element file
Public method Static GetFileIDForShare(EntityID, IDatabase) Given the id of a 12d model element share, and an optional user, get the id of the owning 12d model project
Public method GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (inherited from Object).
Public method Static GetShareIDFromFileID(EntityID, IDatabase) Given a file id, work out the share id for a shareable element
Public method Static GetSystemTDProjectAttributes(bool, IDatabase) Get all attributes that apply to all 12d model projects
Public method Static GetTDProjectAttributes(EntityID, IDatabase) Given a 12d model project id, get all attributes (and values)
Public method Static GetTDProjectChangeDetails(EntityID, int, IDatabase) Get change details for a td project including change details of sub folders and files
Public method Static GetTDProjectFileInfo(EntityID, bool, string, bool, IDatabase) Get info about a td project file - only relevant if a check in, check out project
Public method Static GetTDProjectFileInfo(TDProjectInfo, bool, string, bool, IDatabase) Get info about a td project file - only relevant if a check in, check out project
Public method Static GetTDProjectForShare(EntityID, EntityID, IDatabase) Given the id of a 12d model element share, and an optional user, get the id of the owning 12d model project
Public method Static GetTDProjectForShare(EntityID, EntityID, IDatabase, out EntityID) Given the id of a 12d model element share, and an optional user, get the id of the owning 12d model project
Public method Static GetTDProjectFromPath(string, EntityID, IDatabase)
Public method Static GetTDProjectID(EntityID, bool, string, IDatabase) Get the id of a 12d model project belonging to a parent project
Public method Static GetTDProjectIDForFolder(EntityID, IDatabase) Given a folder id, work out what 12d model project it belongs to
Public method Static GetTDProjectInfo(EntityID, bool, IDatabase) Get info about a project from its id
Public method Static GetTDProjectPreviewImage(EntityID, int, IDatabase) Get the bytes of the latest preview for a td project
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (inherited from Object).
Public method Static GrantGroupAccessToSharedElement(EntityID, EntityID, IDatabase) Grant a group access to a shared element
Public method Static GrantUserAccessToSharedElement(EntityID, EntityID, IDatabase) Grant a user access to a shared element
Public method Static HasAttribute(EntityID, EntityID, IDatabase) Check if a 12d model project has a given attribute
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (inherited from Object).
Public method Static PerformServerShareMigration(string, string, EntityID, ILogger, IDatabase) Perform a server share migration
Public method Static PurgeTDProject(EntityID, IDatabase, IClient) Purge a 12d model project
Public method Static RemoveTDProjectAttribute(EntityID, EntityID, IDatabase) Remove an attribute from a td project
Public method Static ResetProjectID(EntityID, EntityID, IDatabase) Reset the 12d Project ID for a given project
Public method Static RevokeGroupAccessToSharedElement(EntityID, EntityID, IDatabase) Revoke group access to a shared element
Public method Static RevokeUserAccessToSharedElement(EntityID, EntityID, IDatabase) Revoke user access to a shared element
Public method Static SetSystemTDProjectAttribute(AttributeInfo, EntityID, IDatabase) Set a system 12d model project attribute
Public method Static SetTDProjectAttributeValues(EntityID, List<AttributeInfo>, IDatabase) Update a 12d model projects attributes
Public method Static ShareElement(EntityID, string, EntityID, IDatabase) Set an element as shared
Public method ToString Returns a string that represents the current object. (inherited from Object).
Public method Static UnshareElement(EntityID, EntityID, IDatabase) Unshare an element