The following tables list the members exposed by the TaskList type.

Name Description
Public method Static AddChange(EntityID, EntityID, string, IDatabase) Log a change to some task item
Public method Static AssignTask(EntityID, EntityID, AssignedEntityType, EntityID, IDatabase) Assign a task to a user
Public method Static CreateState(TaskState, EntityID, IDatabase) Create a new task / task state
Public method Static CreateTaskType(TaskType, IDatabase) Create a task type (without transitions)
Public method Static DeleteState(EntityID, IDatabase) Delete a state
Public method Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (inherited from Object).
Protected method Finalize Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (inherited from Object).
Public method Static GetAssignedEntityID(EntityID, IDatabase, out AssignedEntityType) Get the contact assigned to a particular task
Public method Static GetChangedTaskIDs(EntityID, DateTime, IDatabase) Get the ids of any changed task items after a certain date (utc)
Public method Static GetChildTasks(EntityID, bool, IDatabase) Get all child task items
Public method Static GetChildTasks(EntityID, bool, Dictionary<EntityIDTaskItem>, IDatabase) Get all child task items
Public method Static GetDependencyIDs(EntityID, IDatabase) Get the ids of any tasks a given task depends on
Public method Static GetDependingTaskIDs(EntityID, IDatabase) Get the ids of any depending task items
Public method GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (inherited from Object).
Public method Static GetInitialStateIDs(EntityID, IDatabase) Get a list of next states for a task type
Public method Static GetInitialStates(EntityID, IDatabase) Get a list of next states for a task type
Public method Static GetNextTaskStateIDs(EntityID, IDatabase) Get a list of next states for a task type
Public method Static GetNextTaskStates(EntityID, IDatabase) Get a list of next states for a task type
Public method Static GetProjectTaskIDs(EntityID, IDatabase) Get project tasks
Public method Static GetProjectTasks(EntityID, bool, bool, IDatabase) Get project tasks
Public method Static GetTask(EntityID, bool, bool, IDatabase) Get info about a particular task item from the database
Public method Static GetTaskByName(string, EntityID, EntityID, IDatabase) Get a task id by its name
Public method Static GetTaskIDsByAssignedRole(EntityID, IDatabase) Given a role id, find any task items assigned to this role
Public method Static GetTaskIDsByAssociatedFileID(EntityID, IDatabase) Given a file id, find any associated task items
Public method Static GetTaskReminders(EntityID, EntityID, IDatabase) Get task reminders
Public method Static GetTaskReminders(EntityID, EntityID, IDatabase, bool) Get task reminders
Public method Static GetTaskState(EntityID, IDatabase) Get a task state by id
Public method Static GetTaskStateAttributes(EntityID, bool, IDatabase) Get all the attributes for a task state
Public method Static GetTaskStateByName(string, EntityID, IDatabase) Get a task state by name
Public method Static GetTaskStateIDs(EntityID, IDatabase) Get a list of all task states for a task type
Public method Static GetTaskStates(EntityID, IDatabase) Get a list of all task states for a task type
Public method Static GetTaskStatesByEntityIDs(List<EntityID>, IDatabase) Get a task state by id
Public method Static GetTaskType(EntityID, bool, IDatabase) Get the definition of a task type
Public method Static GetTaskTypeID(string, IDatabase) Get the id of a task type by its name
Public method Static GetTaskTypes(bool, IDatabase) Get all task type definitions
Public method Static GetTaskVersion(EntityID, IDatabase) Get the item version
Public method Static GetTasksByAssociatedFileID(EntityID, IDatabase) Given a file id, find any associated task items
Public method Static GetTemplateTaskByName(string, EntityID, EntityID, IDatabase) Get a template task id by its name
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (inherited from Object).
Public method Static HasDependingItems(EntityID, IDatabase) Does this item have any items that depend on it?
Public method Static IsStateInUse(EntityID, IDatabase) Detect if a state is in use
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (inherited from Object).
Public method Static PurgeTask(EntityID, IDatabase) Purge a task completely from the system
Public method Static ReplicateTask(EntityID, EntityID, EntityID, EntityID, IDatabase) Replicate a task
Public method Static ReplicateTask(EntityID, EntityID, string, EntityID, EntityID, IDatabase) Replicate a task
Public method Static SearchTasks(SearchQuery, EntityID, IDatabase) Search for tasks
Public method Static SendCreatedEmail(TaskItem, EntityID, IDatabase) Send an email for a newly created todo
Public method Static SendUpdatedEmail(TaskItem, string, EntityID, IDatabase) Send an email for an updated task
Public method Static SetTaskDependencies(EntityID, List<EntityID>, IDatabase) Set all task dependencies
Public method Static SetTaskReminder(EntityID, TaskReminderType, int, EntityID, EntityType, EntityID, bool, bool, bool, IDatabase) Set a reminder for some task
Public method Static SubmitTask(TaskItem, string, EntityID, IDatabase) Submit a change to a task
Public method ToString Returns a string that represents the current object. (inherited from Object).
Public method Static UpdateState(TaskState, IDatabase) Create a new task / task state
Public method Static UpdateTaskProgress(EntityID, int, EntityID, IDatabase) Update a task items progress / state only