Get all issued file sets for a project and a file set type Note: This does not include detailed information about actual issues - you will need to call GetIssuedFileSetIssueDetails on each set of interest to retrieve this information

Namespace: SynergyClientAPI.Files.Issues
Assembly: SynergyClientAPI (in SynergyClientAPI.dll)

Public Shared Function GetIssuedFileSets( _ 
ByVal project_id As EntityID, _ 
ByVal type_id As EntityID
) As DataOperationResponse(Of List(Of IssuedFileSet))
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public static DataOperationResponse<List<IssuedFileSet>> GetIssuedFileSets( 
EntityID project_id
EntityID type_id 
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static DataOperationResponse<List<IssuedFileSet^>^>^ GetIssuedFileSets( 
EntityID^ project_id
EntityID^ type_id 
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Type: EntityID

the id of the project

Type: EntityID

the issued file set type

Return Value

Type: DataOperationResponse<List<IssuedFileSet>>

the list of issued file sets in the list

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1